FROMTHEGROUNDUP (FTGU) is an interdisciplinary art and architectural design studio based at Primary in Nottingham. Made up of a core team of William Harvey, Elin Keyser and Jacob Kelly who bring in a range of collaborators for specific projects bringing together a range of experience in architecture, sustainability, art, research and making.

Our projects are carefully considered to be as low impact as possible by using Passivhaus design principles together with low embodied carbon materials, helping to reduce the environmental impacts of construction on the planet. We use participatory design methodologies to co-produce work, which doesn’t always end-up as a building. Agency throughout design stages is shared, a process which fosters a sense of ownership with those who inhabit and use the resulting space. We believe this creates richer and more sustainable projects.

We work at multiple scales from furniture to domestic up to the organisational and institutional. This includes private clients, arts organisations and community groups with whom we seek to create joyful places and spaces for human and more-than-human cultures to thrive in.

FTGU is a not-for-profit worker’s co-op, with shared responsibility and ownership among its members, creating a more ethical working culture. Any profits are reinvested into community projects,  research, art and writing. This allows for explorations into the ethics, philosophies, and the practicalities behind climate change mitigation, material (re)use, and participatory design.


Registration number: 15478884

The Future-Fit house is a 1:20 scale model of a typical Victorian terrace house in the ‘old’ Meadows area of Nottingham. It is an example model showing the best practice for retrofitting this housing typology using Natural Building Materials which work with the existing fabric of the building.

The measures include; Internal Wall Insulation (IWI), External Wall Insulation (EWI), Ground floor insulation between suspended floor joists, Roof Insulation, Solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) panels, Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and upgraded windows and doors. This list is not exhaustive and other measures can be considered for this typology. 

This model was made using mostly found ‘waste’ materials and natural building materials with the help of some highly processed things like glue, screws and paint.  

Maker: Will Harvey 

Cleint: Green Meadows